Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program

The Adult Cystic Fibrosis Inpatient Program at Akron Children’s Hospital is a specialized healthcare program that provides comprehensive care and management for adults with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs.

This program provides personalized care and support to adults with CF and aims to improve the quality of life and long-term outcomes for patients with CF by providing access to specialized treatments, therapies, and resources.

The adult CF program at Akron Children’s Hospital includes services such as regular check-ups, pulmonary function testing, nutritional counseling, airway clearance techniques, exercise programs, psychological support, and access to the latest research and clinical trials. Education and resources are also provided to help patients manage their condition and cope with the emotional and social challenges that come with living with CF.


Akron Children’s Adult Cystic Fibrosis Inpatient Program
Aultman Hospital
2600 Sixth Street Southwest
Canton, Ohio 44710


Georges Kefalas, MD

Georges Kefalas, MD

Pulmonologist, Medical Director

Chadi Bouserhal, MD

Chadi Bouserhal, MD

Pulmonologist, Assistant Medical Director

Ashish Angl, MD

Ashish Angl, MD


Matthew Knoch, MD

Matthew Knoch, MD


Brent Martinez, MD

Brent Martinez, MD


Talk to a Pulmonologist

Contact us today to schedule your appointment

Pulmonary Physicians, Inc.

2600 Tuscarawas St W #100, Canton, OH 44708